Comparison with some other sorts

musl Smoothsort implementation

I mentioned in part 2 that the musl version of qsort is an implementation of E.W. Dijkstra’s smoothsort. Dijkstra say “It is of order N log N in the worst case, but of order N in the best case, with a smooth transition between the two. (Hence its name.)” It is a fairly complex algorithm; I have not tried to understand it yet. I commend Valentin Ochs for implementing it, but I find it to be too slow to be preferred over other versions. Here are my results:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  318     70596435    344791050   5.151 s   1.000 qs22j
 2.  320     70596435    344791050   5.210 s   1.012 qs22k
 3.  424     77901675    366759345   5.431 s   1.054 qs22ck
 4.  458     82285275    371270505   5.480 s   1.064 qs22bk
 5.  556     86727810    408541395   6.085 s   1.181 qs22c
 6.  577     90954705    413041065   6.120 s   1.188 qs22b
 7.  599     80264325    405888780   6.094 s   1.183 qs22i
 8.  660     79030245    412410825   6.209 s   1.205 qs22h
 9.  826     79030245    412410825   6.321 s   1.227 illumos
10.  831            0    435643355   6.573 s   1.276 bentmcil
11.  863     79030245    412410825   6.409 s   1.244 qs22f
12. 1017    117202900    435643355   6.749 s   1.310 bentley_mcilroy
13. 1051            0    552277515   8.368 s   1.624 system
14. 1059     88213925    435643355   6.693 s   1.299 bentley_mcilroy2
15. 1241            0   1050856410  25.186 s   4.889 musl

And in the “izabera” tests:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  268     50088615    337302450   4.878 s   1.000 qs22ck
 2.  274     42158775    301589505   4.506 s   0.924 qs22j
 3.  275     42158775    301589505   4.493 s   0.921 qs22k
 4.  284     54052335    337394955   4.917 s   1.008 qs22bk
 5.  326     55421475    352864440   5.155 s   1.057 qs22b
 6.  327            0    287123550   4.505 s   0.924 system
 7.  341     52360275    356185275   5.207 s   1.067 qs22c
 8.  389     42159225    350948055   5.264 s   1.079 qs22i
 9.  433     42131190    369796395   5.545 s   1.137 qs22h
10.  539            0    374882415   5.630 s   1.154 bentmcil
11.  556     42131190    369796395   5.634 s   1.155 qs22f
12.  564     42131190    369796395   5.599 s   1.148 illumos
13.  626     49647700    374882415   5.696 s   1.168 bentley_mcilroy2
14.  630     57704070    374882415   5.742 s   1.177 bentley_mcilroy
15.  648            0    619016520  14.773 s   3.028 musl

The smoothsort is claimed to be much better on nearly-sorted data. The “izabera” tests of Isabella Bosia contain two tests of “one percent” disordered data. The first is labeled “one_percent” and is generated by filling the array with ascending integers and then replacing one percent of them with random numbers. Here is a sample result:

Testing 100000 int elements one_percent (izaberra):
      916975      6704220   21.734 ms  1.000 qs22j
     1285215      7482825   22.231 ms  1.023 qs22bk
     1208420      7456070   22.750 ms  1.047 qs22ck
      916975      6704220   23.578 ms  1.085 qs22k
           0      6628075   23.818 ms  1.096 system
     1246350      7766630   28.176 ms  1.296 qs22c
     1309845      7775170   29.408 ms  1.353 qs22b
      910335      7768230   30.094 ms  1.385 qs22h
      916975      7723695   30.267 ms  1.393 qs22i
      910335      7768230   30.880 ms  1.421 illumos
      910335      7768230   33.015 ms  1.519 qs22f
           0      9057205   41.078 ms  1.890 bentmcil
     1376760      9057205   41.965 ms  1.931 bentley_mcilroy
     1215205      9057205   42.533 ms  1.957 bentley_mcilroy2
           0     16622915  103.899 ms  4.780 musl

The other way is labeled “1% the nsz way”, which Ms. Bosia told me is named for musl contributor Szabolcs Nagy. This test starts by filling the array with ascending integers and then randomly swapping 1 out of 200 pairs of elements, so that 1 out of 100 elements will be permuted. Sample result:

Testing 100000 int elements 1% the nsz way (izaberra):
       21990      5542065   11.430 ms  1.000 qs22ck
       22220      5542205   12.022 ms  1.052 qs22bk
           0      1285450   13.103 ms  1.146 musl
       12220      5533135   13.434 ms  1.175 qs22j
       12220      5533135   13.989 ms  1.224 qs22k
      100070      7117190   19.584 ms  1.713 qs22b
      170950      7398520   20.424 ms  1.787 qs22c
           0      6248200   22.975 ms  2.010 system
       12220      7486910   25.168 ms  2.202 qs22i
       12150      7499480   25.804 ms  2.257 qs22f
       12150      7499480   26.071 ms  2.281 qs22h
      268015      7640370   27.890 ms  2.440 bentley_mcilroy
      182730      7640370   27.890 ms  2.440 bentley_mcilroy2
           0      7640370   27.891 ms  2.440 bentmcil
       12150      7499480   28.510 ms  2.494 illumos

Here musl does much better. I don’t know why one way of creating “one percent” disorder (random values replaced) has a different result than another (random values permuted).

But I added another test, modeled on “1% the nsz way”:

Testing 100000 int elements 5% the nsz way (izaberra):
      121520      6720975   16.322 ms  1.000 qs22ck
      126860      6727660   17.038 ms  1.044 qs22bk
       73740      6680010   19.001 ms  1.164 qs22j
       73740      6680010   19.420 ms  1.190 qs22k
      224190      7364715   20.785 ms  1.273 qs22c
      183330      7203915   20.949 ms  1.283 qs22b
           0      2343505   20.953 ms  1.284 musl
       73740      7494280   25.897 ms  1.587 qs22i
       73350      7501535   26.104 ms  1.599 qs22h
       73350      7501535   27.264 ms  1.670 qs22f
           0      6825135   27.939 ms  1.712 system
       73350      7501535   28.918 ms  1.772 illumos
           0      7710185   29.722 ms  1.821 bentmcil
      261750      7710185   29.726 ms  1.821 bentley_mcilroy2
      356755      7710185   30.047 ms  1.841 bentley_mcilroy

Here, with 5% of the elements permuted, musl is rapidly falling behind other sorts. When I have about half the elements randomly replaced, I get:

Testing 100000 int elements 50% sorted (izaberra):
     2033520      7343990   38.587 ms  1.000 qs22bk
     1862680      7366740   40.228 ms  1.043 qs22ck
           0      7685520   42.298 ms  1.096 system
     1890640      8344800   49.058 ms  1.271 qs22c
     1750390      7805100   49.348 ms  1.279 qs22j
     2058400      8374840   49.921 ms  1.294 qs22b
     1751370      8209210   49.981 ms  1.295 qs22h
     1750390      7805100   50.161 ms  1.300 qs22k
     1751370      8209210   51.946 ms  1.346 illumos
     1750390      8245560   53.334 ms  1.382 qs22i
     1751370      8209210   58.796 ms  1.524 qs22f
           0      8904400   59.894 ms  1.552 bentmcil
     2113120      8904400   62.068 ms  1.608 bentley_mcilroy
     1974380      8904400   64.630 ms  1.675 bentley_mcilroy2
           0     21785295  146.554 ms  3.798 musl

I conclude that musl qsort, though a tour de force of programming, is not as good as some simpler sorts, even for the cases for which it is to excel.

Yaroslavskiy’s dual-pivot quicksort

Wikipedia says ” A version of dual-pivot quicksort developed by Yaroslavskiy in 2009[11] turned out to be fast enough to warrant implementation in Java 7”. I obtained his paper and implemented qs22ydpq from it as closely as possible. I used the same swapping strategy as in qs22b.c and several other sorts. I believe it is a fair version for comparison. Here are some results:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  454   1295628260   6360932820  97.789 s   1.000 qs22j
 2.  469   1295628260   6360932820  98.138 s   1.004 qs22k
 3.  547   1474008500   6888529840 103.094 s   1.054 qs22bk
 4.  549   1408957420   6901692000 103.493 s   1.058 qs22ck
 5.  624   1616259440   7927606400 117.223 s   1.199 qs22b
 6.  746   1565906240   7960573720 118.507 s   1.212 qs22c
 7.  794   1459080660   7891557400 118.740 s   1.214 qs22i
 8.  844   1448442400   7917118940 119.305 s   1.220 qs22h
 9. 1165   1448442400   7917118940 123.061 s   1.258 qs22f
10. 1191   1448442400   7917118940 122.440 s   1.252 illumos
11. 1277            0   8221568620 152.017 s   1.555 bentmcil
12. 1357   1585231370   8221568620 126.020 s   1.289 bentley_mcilroy2
13. 1405   2057439810   8221568620 145.122 s   1.484 bentley_mcilroy
14. 1416            0  11193777940 173.147 s   1.771 system
15. 1562   2746796010  12037545955 192.830 s   1.972 qs22ydpq

It fared a little better in the “izabera” test suite:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  363    845862200   5800329540  84.921 s   1.000 qs22b
 2.  378    664027320   4882687260  74.632 s   0.879 qs22j
 3.  381    664027320   4882687260  74.755 s   0.880 qs22k
 4.  381    770930420   5482457360  80.996 s   0.954 qs22ck
 5.  394    823141500   5562942420  81.607 s   0.961 qs22bk
 6.  441    795927280   5749257820  85.437 s   1.006 qs22c
 7.  458            0   4657468760  77.295 s   0.910 system
 8.  474    664035420   5713784460  86.189 s   1.015 qs22i
 9.  502    663370440   5824862140  87.394 s   1.029 qs22h
10.  703    663370440   5824862140  89.520 s   1.054 illumos
11.  715    663370440   5824862140  90.119 s   1.061 qs22f
12.  816            0   6128745270 100.821 s   1.187 bentmcil
13.  826    777632180   6128745270  93.493 s   1.101 bentley_mcilroy2
14.  868    898924590   6128745270  99.248 s   1.169 bentley_mcilroy
15.  940   2007239550   7892935950 135.267 s   1.593 qs22ydpq

I know that dual-pivot quicksort has done better than some other traditional quicksorts in some tests, but I cannot get such a result myself.


I also compared my implementations with Igor van den Hoven’s quadsort, which is not strictly a replacement for qsort, because (as far as I can tell) it cannot handle elements of arbitrary size, and also because it generally requires dynamic allocation of additional storage. (I did notice that it apparenly uses local storage if the malloc() fails.) It has the advantage of being stable, and it is fast for the kinds of data it can sort. Here are some results:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  362     70596435    344791050   5.145 s   1.000 qs22k
 2.  388     70596435    344791050   5.128 s   0.997 qs22j
 3.  453     77901675    366759345   5.328 s   1.035 qs22ck
 4.  484     82285275    371270505   5.400 s   1.050 qs22bk
 5.  507            0    357547185   5.067 s   0.985 quadsort
 6.  589     86727810    408541395   5.973 s   1.161 qs22c
 7.  613     90954705    413041065   6.036 s   1.173 qs22b
 8.  675     79030245    412410825   6.110 s   1.187 qs22h
 9.  680     80264325    405888780   5.997 s   1.165 qs22i
10.  887            0    435643355   6.477 s   1.259 bentmcil
11.  910     79030245    412410825   6.281 s   1.221 illumos
12.  930     79030245    412410825   6.319 s   1.228 qs22f
13. 1091    117202900    435643355   6.605 s   1.284 bentley_mcilroy
14. 1101            0    552277515   8.200 s   1.594 system
15. 1130     88213925    435643355   6.603 s   1.283 bentley_mcilroy2

And on the “izabera” suite:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  204            0    170809545   2.701 s   1.000 quadsort
 2.  294     54052335    337394955   4.875 s   1.805 qs22bk
 3.  297     50088615    337302450   4.878 s   1.806 qs22ck
 4.  307     42158775    301589505   4.491 s   1.662 qs22k
 5.  312     42158775    301589505   4.516 s   1.672 qs22j
 6.  346     55421475    352864440   5.137 s   1.902 qs22b
 7.  369     52360275    356185275   5.231 s   1.936 qs22c
 8.  372            0    287123550   4.494 s   1.663 system
 9.  434     42159225    350948055   5.288 s   1.957 qs22i
10.  438     42131190    369796395   5.503 s   2.037 qs22h
11.  566            0    374882415   5.712 s   2.114 bentmcil
12.  588     42131190    369796395   5.677 s   2.101 qs22f
13.  597     42131190    369796395   5.637 s   2.086 illumos
14.  670     57704070    374882415   5.839 s   2.161 bentley_mcilroy
15.  686     49647700    374882415   5.825 s   2.156 bentley_mcilroy2

Note that here I could only test on int, double, and pointers to strings; I had to omit the test of sorting an array of struct. In the “izabera” tests, it definitely performed the best, much faster and only about half as many compares as other sorts. In the Bentley-McIlroy “certification” tests, it was also fastest, but only by a small margin over qs22j and qs22k, and did more compares than the latter two. I would say that it may be the preferred sort for appropriate data, but it is not a replacement for a general qsort implementation.

Some other sorts

I also implemented heapsort three different ways, as qs22heap1.c, qs22heap2.c, and qs22heap3.c. And I cleaned up an old Shell sort as qs22ss.c and added qs22ssb.c, which uses the Ciura increments extended with Tokuda’s increments (roughly increasing by 2.25).

From other sources, I included
- sortix (qsort.c and qsort_r.c), which is a heapsort
- two implementations from Plan9 (the faster, plan9x, is similar to Bentley-McIlroy)
- klibc, which is a combsort (based on bubble sort; similar to Shell sort but slower?)
- two versions from Isabella Bosia’s qsortbench: izabera_mini is a Shell sort and izabera is Introsort, which switches to heapsort if the stack gets too deep
- mccaughan, which comes from Gareth McCaughan (thanks Gareth)
- rg91mod, which is a cleaned-up version of my original qsort from the C SNIPPETS collection.

Results from the Bentley-McIlroy “certification” tests:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  475     70596435    344791050   5.118 s   1.000 qs22j
 2.  589     70596435    344791050   5.163 s   1.009 qs22k
 3.  800     77901675    366759345   5.429 s   1.061 qs22ck
 4.  814     82285275    371270505   5.438 s   1.062 qs22bk
 5.  926     80264325    405888780   5.964 s   1.165 qs22i
 6. 1026     90954705    413041065   6.049 s   1.182 qs22b
 7. 1120     86727810    408541395   6.057 s   1.183 qs22c
 8. 1144     83471010    381329220   5.783 s   1.130 reactos_pre_shell
 9. 1233    139797720    413041065   6.067 s   1.185 qs22a
10. 1253     80972410    379594140   5.628 s   1.100 bentley_mcilroy_pre
11. 1274     79030245    412410825   6.167 s   1.205 qs22h
12. 1394     83433570    381337545   5.842 s   1.141 bentley_mcilroy_pre_shell
13. 1463            0    381329220   5.991 s   1.171 freebsd_pre_shell
14. 1561     81369090    401815305   6.094 s   1.191 reactos_pre
15. 1604            0    381329220   6.139 s   1.199 bionic_pre_shell
16. 1641     79030245    412410825   6.312 s   1.233 illumos
17. 1658            0    443195895   6.615 s   1.292 netbsd
18. 1717            0    401815305   6.296 s   1.230 freebsd_pre
19. 1720    119535810    404955795   6.317 s   1.234 reactos_shell
20. 1765            0    401815305   6.246 s   1.220 bionic_pre
21. 1767     79030245    412410825   6.347 s   1.240 qs22f
22. 1834            0    443195895   6.646 s   1.298 openbsd
23. 1840    119511645    404966685   6.315 s   1.234 bentley_mcilroy_shell
24. 1844            0    435643355   6.534 s   1.277 bentmcil
25. 2107            0    443195895   6.756 s   1.320 plan9x
26. 2109    125018610    435137595   6.609 s   1.291 izabera
27. 2221    117202900    435643355   6.641 s   1.297 bentley_mcilroy
28. 2309            0    404955795   6.627 s   1.295 freebsd_shell
29. 2323     88213925    435643355   6.641 s   1.297 bentley_mcilroy2
30. 2336            0    404955795   6.732 s   1.315 bionic_shell
31. 2404    116393205    443195895   6.824 s   1.333 reactos_nopt
32. 2533    148089265    608166795   8.449 s   1.651 qs22ydpq
33. 2619            0    443195895   7.076 s   1.382 bionic_nopt
34. 2660            0    552277515   8.240 s   1.610 system
35. 2716            0    443195895   7.110 s   1.389 freebsd_nopt
36. 2942            0    818425530  11.234 s   2.195 mccaughan
37. 3304    246164475    823153905  11.682 s   2.282 rg91mod
38. 3428            0    733947885  12.662 s   2.474 uclibcng
39. 3513            0    646548858  10.947 s   2.139 dietlibc
40. 3545            0    733947885  12.844 s   2.509 uboot
41. 3646            0    895761870  13.755 s   2.687 plan9
42. 3673            0    733947885  13.080 s   2.555 qs22ss
43. 3711    188541285    765917280  13.316 s   2.601 qs22ssb
44. 3806            0   1050856410  24.915 s   4.867 musl
45. 3826            0    790258260  13.790 s   2.694 izabera_mini
46. 3979            0   1116928185  19.585 s   3.826 qs22heap3
47. 4059            0   1116928185  19.950 s   3.898 qs22heap2
48. 4082            0   1116928185  19.981 s   3.904 qs22heap1
49. 4133            0   2826931590  36.694 s   7.169 klibc
50. 4303            0   1667686365  30.445 s   5.948 sortix

And with the “izabera” tests:

   Tot.rank     Swaps     Compares      Time   Ratio Implementation
 1.  524     54052335    337394955   4.666 s   1.000 qs22bk
 2.  538     42158775    301589505   4.346 s   0.931 qs22j
 3.  579     42158775    301589505   4.332 s   0.928 qs22k
 4.  609     55421475    352864440   4.953 s   1.061 qs22b
 5.  637     50088615    337302450   4.784 s   1.025 qs22ck
 6.  664     62668725    352864440   4.928 s   1.056 qs22a
 7.  727     52360275    356185275   5.006 s   1.073 qs22c
 8.  756     42159225    350948055   5.048 s   1.082 qs22i
 9.  782            0    287123550   4.314 s   0.925 system
10.  938     66062175    341839455   4.978 s   1.067 izabera
11.  998     54595995    360513570   5.300 s   1.136 reactos_pre_shell
12. 1015     42131190    369796395   5.341 s   1.145 qs22h
13. 1018     49320085    341022800   4.824 s   1.034 bentley_mcilroy_pre
14. 1029            0    428830110   5.915 s   1.267 mccaughan
15. 1057            0    379594800   5.435 s   1.165 netbsd
16. 1116     49838775    369120480   5.350 s   1.146 reactos_pre
17. 1133            0    360513570   5.399 s   1.157 freebsd_pre_shell
18. 1147     54598605    360504990   5.332 s   1.143 bentley_mcilroy_pre_shell
19. 1180            0    369120480   5.491 s   1.177 freebsd_pre
20. 1199            0    369120480   5.477 s   1.174 bionic_pre
21. 1213     63545220    345832935   5.230 s   1.121 bentley_mcilroy_shell
22. 1217            0    379594800   5.511 s   1.181 openbsd
23. 1222     63540480    345836550   5.259 s   1.127 reactos_shell
24. 1257            0    360513570   5.500 s   1.179 bionic_pre_shell
25. 1266            0    374882415   5.426 s   1.163 bentmcil
26. 1285     42131190    369796395   5.452 s   1.168 illumos
27. 1345     42131190    369796395   5.472 s   1.173 qs22f
28. 1374            0    379594800   5.609 s   1.202 plan9x
29. 1424            0    345836550   5.392 s   1.155 bionic_shell
30. 1431            0    345836550   5.402 s   1.158 freebsd_shell
31. 1480     57704070    374882415   5.496 s   1.178 bentley_mcilroy
32. 1513     57062130    379594800   5.646 s   1.210 reactos_nopt
33. 1536            0    379594800   5.722 s   1.226 bionic_nopt
34. 1555    127341220    477259515   6.562 s   1.406 qs22ydpq
35. 1561     87352530    609372225   8.158 s   1.748 rg91mod
36. 1564     49647700    374882415   5.539 s   1.187 bentley_mcilroy2
37. 1640            0    379594800   5.771 s   1.237 freebsd_nopt
38. 1652            0    451693395   6.770 s   1.451 plan9
39. 1671            0    464056080   8.670 s   1.858 uclibcng
40. 1731            0    464056080   8.772 s   1.880 uboot
41. 1802            0    464056080   8.918 s   1.911 qs22ss
42. 1948    136362075    445998675   8.309 s   1.781 qs22ssb
43. 1992            0    619016520  14.317 s   3.068 musl
44. 2002            0    453806985   8.580 s   1.839 izabera_mini
45. 2214            0    534551857   8.478 s   1.817 dietlibc
46. 2389            0    724325025  12.949 s   2.775 qs22heap3
47. 2410            0   5416476885  73.914 s  15.838 klibc
48. 2449            0    724325025  13.222 s   2.833 qs22heap1
49. 2452            0    724325025  13.130 s   2.814 qs22heap2
50. 2606            0   1145668620  21.112 s   4.524 sortix

The last word from me on qsort? Not sure…

A more recent development, pdqsort (pattern-defeating quicksort) I believe first surfaced in 2017. The paper has some ideas that may benefit a standard C qsort, but some may be more useful in settings that permit an inlined comparison routine.

I may work on these some more in the future, but I am done for now. Other projects beckon.

(See also: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)